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BNCom offers a revised programming of the Channel structure from the Icom default setup.

Key Differences: 

Icom standard programming has Channel 1 to 80 Simplex then 16 repeater channels. A total of 93 channels to try and scroll while driving.

BNCom Programming has channels 1 to 80 with repeater channels tuned on and off with duplex button to help with selecting channels on the go. (The way it should be). Miner Proformance updates to help those who like the IC-400Pro setup!


*Please note this option will Delete repeater scan function.

** Please note that this is a programming service and as such not the sale of dealer programming software. Units will need to be sent to us for programming. Postage to and from for this service is your responsibility.

SKU: IC-410Pro-CB-PGM-UG Category: Tags: , , ,